A Storage-Efficient Cryptography-Based Access Control Solution for Subversion (bibtex)
by Dominik Leibenger and Christoph Sorge
Version control systems are widely used in software development and document management. Unfortunately, versioningconfidential files is not normally supported: Existing solutions encrypt the transport channel, but store data in plaintext within a repository. We come up with an accesscontrol solution that allows secure versioning of confidential files even in the presence of a malicious server administrator.Using convergent encryption as a building block, we enable space-efficient storage of version histories despite secure encryption. We describe an implementation of our conceptfor the Subversion (SVN) system, and evaluate storage efficiency and runtime of this implementation. Our implementation is compatible with existing SVN versions withoutrequiring changes to the storage backend.
Dominik Leibenger and Christoph Sorge: A Storage-Efficient Cryptography-Based Access Control Solution for Subversion, In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, SACMAT '13, pp. 201–212, 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{	  leibenger2013svn,
  title		= {{A Storage-Efficient Cryptography-Based Access Control
		  Solution for Subversion}},
  author	= {Dominik Leibenger AND Christoph Sorge},
  booktitle	= {{Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Access Control
		  Models and Technologies, SACMAT '13}},
  year		= {2013},
  pages		= {201--212},
  abstract	= {Version control systems are widely used in software
		  development and document management. Unfortunately,
		  versioningconfidential files is not normally supported:
		  Existing solutions encrypt the transport channel, but store
		  data in plaintext within a repository. We come up with an
		  accesscontrol solution that allows secure versioning of
		  confidential files even in the presence of a malicious
		  server administrator.Using convergent encryption as a
		  building block, we enable space-efficient storage of
		  version histories despite secure encryption. We describe an
		  implementation of our conceptfor the Subversion (SVN)
		  system, and evaluate storage efficiency and runtime of this
		  implementation. Our implementation is compatible with
		  existing SVN versions withoutrequiring changes to the
		  storage backend.},
  url		= {https://www.uni-saarland.de/fileadmin/upload/lehrstuhl/sorge/Paper-Downloads/secure-svn-with-copyright.pdf}
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