import argparse import datetime import filecmp import multiprocessing import os import tempfile import time import urllib.parse import sys import uuid import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from pathlib import Path import requests # some constants FILES_PATH_PREFIX = "/remote.php/dav/files/" VERSIONS_PATH_PREFIX = "/remote.php/dav/versions/" # the threshold for file timestamps (dates older than this are considered invalid) DATE_THRESHOLD = datetime.datetime(1990, 1, 1) # we only need one session for the whole script SESSION = requests.Session() def propfind(path, auth): """ Get a file's Last Modified timestamp and FileID via a PROPFIND request :param path: The path of the file in question :param auth: Auth data for the HTTP request (e.g. a requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object) :return: An iterator of dictionaries, one for every directory entry. Entry properties are taken from the PROPFIND response """ # do not descend further into subdirectories\ # TODO: we could probably be faster if we did headers = {"Depth": "infinity"} # "1"} # This body returns only the timelastmodified and the fileid variable requested_data = \ """ """ req = requests.Request("PROPFIND", path, headers=headers, auth=auth, data=requested_data) resp = SESSION.send(req.prepare()) et = ET.fromstring(resp.text) for dav_response in et.findall('{DAV:}response'): entry = {} entry["path"] = dav_response.find("{DAV:}href").text # skip this entry itself if path.endswith(entry["path"]): continue props = dav_response.find("{DAV:}propstat").find("{DAV:}prop") try: entry["last_modified"] = datetime.datetime.strptime( props.find("{DAV:}getlastmodified").text, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" ) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass entry["resource_type"] = [] try: for resourcetype in props.find("{DAV:}resourcetype"): entry["resource_type"].append(resourcetype.tag) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass try: entry["file_id"] = int(props.find("{}fileid").text) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass yield entry def find_valid_version(versions): """ This function returns the fileid of the version of a given fileid with the most current timestamp or None if there are no versions with a timestamp younger than the threshold :param versions: An iterator as returned by propfind() :return: The entry of the iterator which has the most recent date or None if none exists """ all_versions = {} for version in versions: if "last_modified" in version and DATE_THRESHOLD < version["last_modified"]: all_versions[version["last_modified"]] = version if len(all_versions) == 0: return None return all_versions def download_file(path, auth): """ This function downloads one file and saves it on the local device. :param path: The path to the file in question :param auth: Auth data for the HTTP request (e.g. a requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object) :return: The path of the created file or '' if no file could be downloaded """ r = requests.request( method='get', url=path, auth=auth ) _, filename = os.path.split(path) if r.status_code == 200: with open(filename, 'wb') as file: file.write(r.content) return filename return '' def upload_file(local_path, remote_path, auth): """ Uploads a file to the cloud :param local_path: File path of the file to be uploaded :param remote_path: Path where it should be uploaded on the cloud :param auth: Auth data for the HTTP request :return: True if the file was successfully uploaded, False otherwise """ r = requests.put( url=remote_path, auth=auth, data=open(local_path, 'rb').read() ) if 200 <= r.status_code < 300: return True return False def content_equal(original, fixed_version, auth): """ Compares the two file versions for replacement. :param original: local filename of the entry with wrong timestamp. :param fixed_version: Filename of the version for comparison with the original. :param auth: Auth data for the HTTP request (e.g. a requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object) :return: True, if they are equal in Metadata and content. False otherwise. Also if one or both files couldn't be downloaded """ fixed = download_file(fixed_version, auth) if original == '' or fixed == '': # TODO: sth better if the downloading failed? return False # shallow comparison shallow = filecmp.cmp(original, fixed) # deep comparison deep = filecmp.cmp(original, fixed, shallow=False) os.remove(fixed) return deep and shallow def restore_file(packed): """ Handles one file. Searches for the latest older version with intact timestamp and compares them. :param packed: data needed for one file: (entry, arguments, auth). entry represents the original file, arguments are the runtime arguments and auth is for the http authentification """ entry, arguments, auth = packed fixed_versions = find_valid_version(propfind( arguments.server + VERSIONS_PATH_PREFIX + arguments.username + "/versions/" + str(entry["file_id"]), auth)) original = download_file(arguments.server + entry['path'], auth) restored = False if fixed_versions is not None and len(fixed_versions) > 0: keys = sorted(fixed_versions, reverse=True ) # sort dates descending to start with latest version for i in range(0, len(keys)): if content_equal(original, arguments.server + fixed_versions[keys[i]]['path'], auth): # found latest matching version # print("Restore from {}".format(fixed_versions[keys[i]])) restored = restore_by_version(arguments.server + fixed_versions[keys[i]]['path'], auth, arguments) break # stop looking any further if not restored: # print("Touch file.") restored = restore_by_touch(arguments.server + entry['path'], original, auth) if not restored: print('File couldn\'t be restored: ' + entry['path']) os.remove(original) def restore_by_version(path_version, auth, args): """ Restores the given old version of a file :param path_version: cloud path to the version to be restored :param auth: Auth data for the HTTP request :param args: Runtime arguments :return: True if the version was successfully restored, false otherwise """ # uuid4 should create a random uuid headers = {"Destination": args.server + VERSIONS_PATH_PREFIX + args.username + "/restore/" + str(uuid.uuid4())} r = requests.request( method='move', url=path_version, auth=auth, headers=headers ) if 200 <= r.status_code < 300: return True return False def restore_by_touch(path, local_path, auth): """ Restores a file by touch: Touch on cloud isn't possible so the file is simply downloaded and uploaded again :param path: The cloud path to the file in question :param local_path: The local path to the file in question :param auth: Auth data for the HTTP request :return: True if the restoring was successful, False otherwise. """ if local_path != '': return upload_file(local_path, path, auth) else: return False if __name__ == "__main__": # get all necessary data from the command line argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fix broken dates in Nextcloud folders.") argparser.add_argument("server", help="The base URL of the Nextcloud server.") argparser.add_argument("username", help="The user to log in as.") argparser.add_argument("password", help="The password for accessing Nextcloud. Hint: Use an App Token!") argparser.add_argument( "-p", "--path", default="/", help="The path to search, relative to the user's root. Default: /", dest="search_path" ) arguments = argparser.parse_args() # Prepare HTTP Basic Authentication auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(arguments.username, arguments.password) # Prepare the path we want to use mainpath = FILES_PATH_PREFIX + arguments.username + arguments.search_path # List of all entries with wrong time wrongtime = [] # Iterate through all folders and check for wrong timestamps url = arguments.server + mainpath for entry in propfind(url, auth): if "last_modified" not in entry or entry["last_modified"] < DATE_THRESHOLD: wrongtime.append(entry) print() # Iterate through all fileids with wrong timestamps and replace with versions with intact timestamp or touch # done parallel data = [(entry, arguments, auth) for entry in wrongtime] pool_obj = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=1) results =, data)