Repository for the HealthTool which enables Apple users to analyse their health data from the Apple health app and prepares the data for contributing it for future studies on wearable data.
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3 years ago
  1. package application.res;
  2. public class Text
  3. {
  4. public static final String TITLE = "Contribute Health Data";
  5. public static final String FOOTER_TEXT = "This tool was created in cooperation with "
  6. + "the Chair of Legal Informatics of the Saarland University\n" + "Source of icons:";
  7. public static final String NOT_SET = "not set";
  8. public static final String F_ME_SAVE = "%s : %s";
  9. public static final String ME_FILE_DESC = "MainInfo";
  10. public static final String TAG_NAME_META_DATA_ENTRY = "MetadataEntry";
  11. public static final String TAG_NAME_WORKOUT_EVENT = "WorkoutEvent";
  12. public static final String TAG_NAME_WORKOUT_ROUTE = "WorkoutRoute";
  13. public static final String TAG_NAME_HR_LIST = "HeartRateVariabilityMetadataList";
  14. public static final String TAG_NAME_IB_PER_MINUTES = "InstantaneousBeatsPerMinute";
  15. public static final String YEAR = "Year";
  16. public static final String MONTH = "Month";
  17. public static final String DAY = "Day";
  18. public static final String F_FILE_DESC = "%s\n%s";
  19. public static final String TAG_NAME_HEALTH_DATA = "HealthData";
  20. public static final String TAG_ATTR_REGION_CODE = "locale";
  21. public static final String TAG_ATTR_EXPORT_DATE = "value";
  22. public static final String TAG_NAME_ME_INFO = "Me";
  23. public static final String TAG_ATTR_BIOLOGICAL_SEX = "HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierBiologicalSex";
  24. public static final String TAG_ATTR_BLOOD_TYPE = "HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierBloodType";
  25. public static final String TAG_ATTR_SKIN_TYPE = "HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierFitzpatrickSkinType";
  26. public static final String TAG_ATTR_DATE_OF_BIRTH = "HKCharacteristicTypeIdentifierDateOfBirth";
  27. public static final String TAG_ATTR_WORKOUT_TYPE = "workoutActivityType";
  28. public static final String TAG_ATTR_RECORD_TYPE = "type";
  29. public static final String MENU_PRIVACY_POLICY ="Privacy policy";
  30. public static final String MENU_DATA_IMPORT ="Data import";
  31. public static final String MENU_DATA_SELECTION ="Data selection";
  32. public static final String MENU_REVIEW ="Review selection";
  33. public static final String MENU_DATA_UPLOAD ="Data upload";
  34. // error Messages
  35. public static final String E_CREATE_TEMP_FILES = "The files for your selected data couldn't be created.";
  36. public static final String E_READ_ZIP_FILE = "Your zip file couldn't be read. You might want to try "
  37. + "and insert the unzipped file.";
  38. public static final String E_READ_XML_FILE = "Your xml file couldn't be read.";
  39. public static final String E_WRONG_FILE = "There wasn't any health data found in your file. Please check if you inserted the right file.";
  40. public static final String E_WRITE_TO_TEMP_FILES = "The data couldn't be written to "
  41. + "the files. Maybe there is a problem with the permissions of your system " + "for this application.";
  42. // Intro page
  43. public static final String MAIN_INFO = "This tool allows iPhone users to analyse and export selected parts of their phones health data export. "
  44. + "It's intended to be used for gathering health data for scientific research in cooperation with the Chair of Legal Informatics from Saarland University.\n\n"
  45. + "By merely using this tool, no data will be disclosed to us. "
  46. + "To contribute your data, you will have to uploaded the file created by using this tool to our nextcloud server. "
  47. + "Your data will be anonymized and only containing the information you selected. You can check that by inspecting the created zip file or the source code.\n\n"
  48. + "To get started, you have to insert your health file in the field below "
  49. + "and agree to our privacy policy. Then use the navigation on the left"
  50. + " to continue. If you need help exporting your health data you may look at the information from apple support linked below.";
  51. public static final String SELECT_FILE = "Drag health file to me!";
  52. public static final String FOUND_FILE = "The following file was found: \n%s";
  53. public static final String NO_VALID_FILE = "You might have selected the wrong file: You can either insert the ziped export or the xml file!";
  54. public static final String WIP_READING_FILE = "Reading file...";
  55. public static final String PRIVACY_STATEMENT_ACCEPTED = "I read the privacy statement and "
  56. + "agree to the processing my data under these terms.";
  57. public static final String GO_TO_PRIVACY_STATEMENT = "(Privacy policy? I didn't see a thing... "
  58. + "Please take me there!)";
  59. public static final String APPLE_LINK_EXPORT = "";
  60. // Overview page
  61. public static final String DESC_WORKOUT = "Workouts contain information about "
  62. + "physical exercises and activities. All entries belong to a specific "
  63. + "activity like running, swimming, hunting or even basketball.\n"
  64. + "Typical information stored here are the duration of the activity and " + "how much energy was burned.";
  65. public static final String DESC_ACTIVITY_SUM = "Activity Summaries summarise all your "
  66. + "activites of a certain day.\n" + "Typical information stored here contains the duration of exercises, "
  67. + "the burned energy and durations of you moving or standing.";
  68. public static final String DESC_CLIN_RECORD = "Clinical Records can contain "
  69. + "information about allergic reaction, a lab result, or a medical procedure.\n"
  70. + "Typical information stored here is an idententifier for the record. "
  71. + "All further information about the content of the record is stored in a "
  72. + "separate file which will not be accessed by this tool.";
  73. public static final String DESC_RECORDS = "Records are the most common entries "
  74. + "in health files. They don't just contain information about physical "
  75. + "activities but also other health related data like height, heart rate or your step count.\n"
  76. + "This data is typically stored with the measured values und matching units.";
  77. public static final String DESC_REGION_CODE = "The region code shows information about the "
  78. + "region as well as the language you set in your phone.";
  79. public static final String SPECIFIED_IN_PHONE = "as specified in your phone.";
  80. public static final String DESC_EXPORT_DATE = "This is the date you exported your data from your phone.";
  81. public static final String DESC_DATE_OF_BIRTH = "This shows your date of birth " + SPECIFIED_IN_PHONE;
  82. public static final String DESC_BIOLOGICAL_SEX = "This shows your gender " + SPECIFIED_IN_PHONE;
  83. public static final String DESC_BLOOD_TYPE = "This shows your blood type " + SPECIFIED_IN_PHONE;
  84. public static final String DESC_SKIN_TYPE = "This shows your skin type " + SPECIFIED_IN_PHONE;
  85. public static final String SELECT_INTRO= "Now it's time for you to select the data "
  86. + "you wish to contribute. You may contribute the data from your file and additonally your occupation. Let's start with that one.";
  87. public static final String SELECT_HOW_TO="Now let's continue with the data from your health file. "
  88. + "To select the categories you from your file, "
  89. + "tap on the corresponding items in the list at the bottom of this page. You can also choose to ony select a "
  90. + "subset of these categories in case of your date of birth, workouts and records. "
  91. + "You can see the existing categories by clicking on the arrows on the left. "
  92. + "Information about the categories can be found on the right. "
  93. + "\n\nYou may also use the buttons below for specific selections. We provided you with two preselections you may choose which are according to our research interest."
  94. + "To continue to the next step you need to select at least one item from the list at the bottom to contribute.";
  95. public static final String SELECT_CATEGORIES = "Now you may choose the data to contribute. Additionally to the data in your file, you may also contribute your occupation. "
  96. + "To select the categories you from your health file, tap on the corresponding items in the list at the bottom of this page. "
  97. + "You can also choose to ony select a subset of these categories in case of your date of birth, workouts and records. You can see the existing categories by clicking on the arrows on the left. "
  98. + "Information about the categories can be found on the right. \n\nYou may also use the buttons below for specific selections. We provided you with two preselections you may choose which are according to our research interest. "
  99. + "To continue to the next step you need to select at least one item from the list at the bottom to contribute. ";
  100. public static final String ADD_JOB = "In the box on the left you may select your occupation (or the most similar "
  101. + "one to your occupation). From top to bottom you will get more specific selections. This is completely optional but of great interest for our research.";
  102. public static final String SELECT_ALL = "Select all";
  103. public static final String SELECT_BASIC_FIELD_OF_INTEREST = "Select basic research interests";
  104. public static final String SELECT_ADVANCED_FIELD_OF_INTEREST = "Select advanced research interests";
  105. public static final String DESELECT_ALL = "Deselect all";
  106. public static final String F_LABEL_SAVE_PATH = "We will save your data at your home directory, which is %s. If you wish to choose another directory, just click here.";
  107. public static final String F_SAVE_AT = "You chose to save your data at %s. Click again if you still wish to change it.";
  108. public static final String WIP_CREATE_FILE = "Creating files...";
  109. public static final String ERROR_FILE_NO_DATA = "Sorry, we couldn't find your health "
  110. + "data in the file. Maybe you inserted the wrong file or there was an error " + "reading the file";
  111. // Inspect page
  112. public static final String PLEASE_INSPECT = "Now you can inspect the files which will "
  113. + "be created by your selection. Just click on the files and read "
  114. + "to your hearts content. \n\nIf you want to change something, just return "
  115. + "to the previous step and adjust your selection. If everything is fine then "
  116. + "just continue to the next step.";
  117. public static final String NO_OPENING_FILES = "Sorry, somehow the file couldn't be "
  118. + "opened.\nIf you would still like to inspect this file, you may inspect "
  119. + "it in the resulting zip file.";
  120. // Result page
  121. public static final String SUCCESS = "You have succesfully created the data. "
  122. + "To contribute to our research database you need to upload it to our nextcloud server. For easy access you"
  123. + " can use the buttons below.\n"
  124. + "If you have any more questions concerning our research or how your data "
  125. + "will be stored, feel free to write us at"
  126. ;
  127. public static final String NEXTCLOUD_ADDRESS = "";
  128. public static final String NEXTCLOUD = "Open nextcloud web page!";
  129. public static final String F_NEXTCLOUD_BROWSER_WONT_OPEN = "Opening your browser didn't work.\n"
  130. + "\nClick here to copy server adress to clipboard!)";
  131. public static final String SERVER_ADDRESS_IN_CLIPBOARD = "Server address was saved in clipboard";
  132. public static final String FILE_PATH_IN_CLIPBOARD = "Filepath was saved in clipboard";
  133. public static final String OPEN_FILE_IN_BROWSER = "Open file in filebrowser!";
  134. public static final String F_RAW_UPLOAD_DATA = "The buttons aren't working for you? Then you might need the following information:\nSaved Data: %s\nNextcloud server: %s";
  135. public static final String DRAG_FILE = "Drag me to nextcloud server!";
  136. public static final String DRAG_IN_ACTION = "Started dragging the file";
  137. public static final String F_FILE_IS_SAVED_AT = "Just a small reminder: Your file was saved as %s";
  138. public static final String DATA_OVERVIEW = "You included the following data in your zip file";
  139. public static final String F_SAVED_DATA_VALUE = "%s : %s";
  140. public static final String F_SAVED_DATA_VALUE_SUBCATEGORY = "%s - %s : %s";
  141. public static final String F_SAVED_DATA_ENTRIES = "%s, Number of entries: %s";
  142. public static final String F_SAVED_DATA_VALUE_SUBCATEGORY_ENTRIES = "%s - %s, Number of entries : %s";
  143. public static final String OCCUPATION_LEVEL_ONE = "Major group";
  144. public static final String OCCUPATION_LEVEL_TWO = "Sub-major group";
  145. public static final String OCCUPATION_LEVEL_THREE = "Minor group";
  146. public static final String OCCUPATION_LEVEL_FOUR = "Unit group";
  147. }